Thursday, December 30, 2010

Behold...the magic of fire brings friends together.

we always end up outside in front of this big fire place at carol's house. it seems to call on us..

with my buddy trey and me looking all geisha girl like. lol!

the fella in the middle is a giant -- but he is our giant!

cool life lovers.

the hilliards.

perhaps a bucket list discussion?

it's fun to hug.

these two cannot take a bad picture.

and so we made new memories for christmas...


Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy Birthday to our Marriage.

two years ago today Art and I tied the knot in front of our family and friends. thanks to all those of you who had a part in our togetherness. much love. it sure has been an adventure and I’m sure looking forward to what year 3 has in store for us! bring it!

showstopper chocolate cake of my dreams.

i gained new smile wrinkles this day.

so, last night i had a stress relief spa night because well..i needed it.

my sister in law gave us this unique nativity set for christmas. we love it!

Art can never finish his pizza. to go box..please!
and sleepy. i have to admit that my favorite part of the day is snuggling with this little one. he keeps my feet warm at night.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Let there be dance!

here we are dancing in our back yard after we tied the knot. i cannot believe it's going to be 2 years.

There is a French saying: "Love is the dawn of marriage, and marriage is the sunset of love."

i love that our neighborhood decorates for christmas. iwa display. just love living near this school and watching the kidos walk past my house.

more neighborhood cheer. much love to every home. thank you for being a part of our village.

down the street from my casita--a sweet display.

date night: italian dinner and a movie. why can't we stop working?