Sunday, November 6, 2011

You know what I love about right now?

Little Boy is never happy with his work.

Birthday flowers are always so very sweet.

We always have action at our RPT SREC meetings. Gotta love it.

SREC ladies rule @ RPT.

Little Boy is always in trouble. We had snow on the floor that morning.

Nice tie Art! The Braselton's look pretty good to.

Art with the girls!

We have a new sushi logo for the club. Do you like???

Sushi research is sooooo much fun.

Alfie helps me shop.

We love hanging out in Rockport, TX @ the Boiling Pot. Check out this graffiti wall. Make your mark! 

Epic day.

Happy Halloween! Little Boy was Cpt. Jack Sparrow. Fierce! 

My new coat. Muy bonita!

Yes, Vegas was wonderful.

and our wow shot..


wait for it..



Just love recognizing every bit of wonder in our surroundings

Here I am with my work gal pal, Jen. I've learned that getting something done is far more achievable and enjoyable if the goal is shared. If you make it fun and If you give yourself a break once in a while.

Never travel without a latte.

I hope to post again u
ntil then, have a happy week!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

explore the world


friends, gaming, meetings, dancing, resting, toasting, laughing, having a moment of clarity where it seems things are just as they should be…cheers to that! ..and here are some visuals from our adventure.

a moment to rest.

lady of the lake..

i almost jumped in to save him but he is not real.


love these mosaics.

we saw a dragon at the sushi place.

yes, i did wake up in the wee hrs of the morning to see these two get hitched.

morning coffee by the pool and look at this garden. i want it!

this place is just begging to be photographed.


in need of coffee...badly!

he looks so italian in this photo.

everything color!

pawn stars!

public transportation is how we got around.

can we please add a zip line and light show to d-town corpus christi!

art is always game for fun. here he gets his fortune from Zoltar!

we could see fire works from our room. spectacular!

now back to south texas we go. Te extraño..

art captured some images of San Diego CA from the plane. very nice..

San Diego CA..from higher up!

back home: what's for dinner? well after all that great cuisine in Vegas i was ready for some comida mexicana. monday i was able to cook my famous tacos de papa. these tacos are stuffed with cumin-spiced potatoes and ground beef with a chili rojo sauce. i also made some arroz a la mexicana.

glad to be back.

shifting back into home life, work life and life, life..  see you next time!