Monday, October 29, 2012

Understanding the Requirements for Voting by Mail


(Quick Update)

There have been a few instances brought to RPT attention about assisted living/nursing homes and voting my mail.  The hope is that this will help you and others in the county be proactive to make sure we are reducing voter fraud and that all laws are being followed. We hope this helps! 

Texas Election Code:  Understanding the Requirements for Voting by Mail

Many assisted living and skilled nursing centers are committed to assisting their residents in various elections, particularly the Presidential election. However well-intentioned the staff at these centers may be, there are certain legal restrictions and requirements that must be met regarding who can assist a voter, who may mail the request and ballot, etc. as detailed below. If these are not followed, penalties including misdemeanor charges can occur.

The Application for Voting by Mail:[1]
May not be submitted more than 60 days before Election Day and must be received in the Early Voting Clerk's office by close of business on the 7th Day before Election Day.  [TEC 38]
Must include:
ü Name of the voter
ü Residence address
ü  Voting precinct

Ø An assistant may NOT assist more than one voter’s application that is not a relative of the assistant.       [TEC 84.004]

Ø Name, address, relationship to the voter, and signature of an assistant must be provided (if the voter was assisted)

Ø Must be signed by person assisting another voter in filling out an application, with their name and address, and relationship to the voter.   [TEC 84.003]

Ø Ballot must be mailed in the US Mail or delivered by a common carrier, such as a delivery service that delivers other packages, e.g. FedEx, UPS, etc. [TEC 86.005, 86.0051

Ø Ballot must not be hand-delivered to the Elections Administrator.  [TEC 86.006]

Ø A person assisting the voter in filling out the ballot or handling the carrier envelope must sign and provide their name in the space provided.  [TEC 86.010]

[1]  Source:  Texas Election Code


Check out our Sept. 15th South Texas Precinct Chairmans' Conference and Candidate Forum Video. What a turn out! Thanks to everyone who attended. 


Chairman Munisteri and Governor Perry participated in a nationally-promoted Google+ hangout with delegation members Angie Flores Granado and Anne Mazone. The Chairman and the Governor gave an insider analysis of the excitement of the convention, a quick preview of Governor Romney's speech and the delegates gave their viewpoints on the work being accomplished by the Texas delegation during the week. Check out the video here: Google Hang Out with Gov. Rick Perry and Chairman Munisteri


Oct. 22-26

Oct. 27

Oct. 28

Oct. 29-Nov.2


So... have you voted already?

Monday, September 3, 2012

i am...

getting ready for fall.

i’ve always had mixed feelings about Labor Day. there’s something bittersweet about summer coming to an end. the days have already started turning dark earlier in the evening and i've started planning for thanksgiving and christmas - wow. it was a nice long weekend – for yet another movie (Bourne Legacy), a couple of dinner parties, yard work and getting everything organized before I head out to Austin next week.

Please donate to Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi


ocean: a body of water occupying two-thirds of a 

world made for man who has no gills.

 ..currently planning our anniversary mass and reception. love sure is a beautiful thing...

here is one of my favorite videos from one of my favorite divas.

..going to be so happy to see you in december at church.

..thinking how time flies. life sure is short.


.. going to scoop him up and give him lots of kisses! 

i am, i am..


planning some events..

South Texas Precinct Chairmans' Conference on Sept. 15th. I'm so excited about all of our speakers. I'm currently looking at the menu, music and gifts. I hope everyone will love it. This is so much fun! It's a South Texas kinda event with a latina flare. Vamos a celebrar El Grito! REGISTER at:  

here is a tiny window into the happenings at the convention in tampa. 

i had a great seat next to some funny ladies. great speeches.. 

i'm a proud GOPer. 

go Mitt!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

What are you doing this weekend?

I've been gone for a while but I'm back! I hope you're having a great weekend. My hubby is at a spiritual retreat for a few days and I'm busy getting ready for a big Convention. Luggage everywhere.. Let the packing begin! 

Here are some updates from recent goings on..

Stay tuned for the next Texas Film, Interactive and Tourism Conference in Corpus Christi. Looks like it's going to be in November!

I ran into Hugo at the Cattle Baron's Ball. Boy our state boots sure came in handy.

Yep.. He will run again.

Oh my.

Special delivery for Mamacita on Mothers Day.

So proud of Art and the Lindale Neighborhood Association. Our neighborhood community garden is awesome!

I'm off to Fort Worth Texas. YeeHa!